The Only Truly American Coordinate Measuring Machine Manufacturer HELMEL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS, INC.

Is located at 6520 Lockport Road in the Town of Niagara, just outside of Niagara Falls and a few miles from the Canadian border.

This location has strategic advantages since the three important industrial cities of Rochester, Buffalo and Toronto can be reached within 1 1/2 hours.

The airports of Toronto and Buffalo provide easy access to any airport in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, important for increased international sales and service. The thruway entrance is only two miles away.

Helmel Engineering is engaged in the design, manufacture, sales and service of coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and related software.

They are built mainly for the manufacturing industry in the automotive, aerospace and business machine sector and for tool and die shops, moldmakers, machine and fabricating shops, stamping houses, etc.

Practically anyone having to verify a physical part to dimensions on a blueprint to a high degree of accuracy is a potential customer.

A complete line of Bridge style machines are offered for manual and automatic operation.

Our proprietary mechanical bearing system makes our machines well suited for production floor applications where high reliability is required.

Specialty components such as; granite plates, precision bearings, optical measuring systems, computers, digital readouts, motors and controllers that are part of the measuring machine are purchased from reliable vendors.

Helmel Engineering has developed a genuine relationship with most of its suppliers; some go back to 1973.





We offer you the following:



Checkmaster Shaft