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Straightpoint Products


Straightpoint Products

We are an official Crosby Straightpoint distributor, meaning you can purchase Straightpoint products from us at no extra cost, and save yourself the hassle of opening another supplier account.




Other Makes & Models


Other Makes & Models


We can source most makes and models of load cells, crane scales and other weighting equipment including Dynafor, DLM, Dini Argeo, Loadmaster, Dillon, Piab, Red Rooster and more!




Load Pin Shackles


Load Pin Shackles

Load pin shackles are best suited for low headroom load monitoring due to their compact and lightweight design, integrating the load cell into the shackle pin. VanBeest™ Greenpin® shackle bodies used as standard with others available on request.




Data Logging


Data Logging


The T24 Advanced data logging software provides real time monitoring of up to 100 load cell devices simultaneously.




Compression Load Cells


Compression Load Cells


These load cells are used to determine compression forces in a wide range of applications and are suitable for static and dynamic measurement in industries including mining, energy, defence, heavy rigging, shipping, and general transportation sectors.